Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Online grade submission free essay sample

Online Grade Submission and Inquiry System has now become a part of our institution. Time to time Grade submission and inquiry online will contribute considerable aspects. Online users should be registered first to create their individual accounts for submission and inquiry. The registrar, teachers and students will have their user name and password. They will use their own password for privacy as well as to recognize individuals and at the same time they can be able to submit, for teachers, inquire grades, for registrar and students. This system holds multiple accounts that can be use at the same time, anytime, anywhere online. All users of the system will be able to change their own user names as well as their passwords any time without losing any records. This system is an instrument that allows teachers to list students, who enrolled to his/her subject, add, delete and submit their grades. By the use of our grades evaluator made from MS Excel, solving grades will be more easy and fast. KEY WORDS: Online, Inquiry, 1. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A lot of parents are neither aware nor updated on their child’s performance in school; they did not know the grades that their child had received. Usually, students do not want to show their grades to their parents or their parents live in a distance place that is why they do not have the chance to show their grades even if they like to do so. These are the main reason why we had created this project. Base on our research, nowadays, universities like FEU, DLSU, AdU, UST, UPHS and ADMU use Online Grade inquiry , they had a common objective and those are: For the parents to be updated on their child’s performance and to avoid children bluffs about their grades. It is not good to hear, but that is the reality. The ONLINE GRADE SUBMISSION AND INQUIRY SYSTEM that we had designed is easy to use that is why there is no reason for the parents to worry not to be able to use this just because they do not usually use computer and internet. The ONLINE GRADE SUBMISSION AND INQUIRY SYSTEM is an absolute system consists of a series of fields like The Registrar’s Account for Students registration, creating account and Changing Registrar’s account like password and inquiring how many students are registered. Teacher’s Account for creating their account, registering their students and submission of students grades. Lastly, it has Students fields in which the students will create their account to be able to inquire their grades. This system provides quality security assurance and fast processing way of inquiring grades most especially for the benefits in the part of the students. This system has its security measures to ensure the liability and legality of all data’s being put to the system. TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION CONTEXT Online Grade Submission and Inquiry System is the software application that some schools, colleges and universities like FEU, DLSU, ADU, UST, UPHS and ADMU use STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. No online submission of grades. What is the advantage of having online grades submission? 2. No online grades inquiry. What is the advantage of having an online grades inquiry? 3. Lose of grade sheets. Consume a lot of paper works. 4. Manual grades computations. 5. HYPHOTHESIS OF THE PROBLEM a. Through Developing online for grades submission will became one of great tool appropriate for teachers- for them to submit grades online. One of the advantage of this system is for incase teachers are tired of going to the registrar’s office to submit grades or he/she want to submit it from his/her office, home or met emergencies which will not able him to go to (RO) , through the use of online/internet he/she can now submit those grades. b. By having online for grades inquiry, it will serves as additional asset in this institution that will allows both students as well as their parents to access or look for the grades which will not take much time searching grade sheets. The advantage is. It will help the parents to be updated on their child’s performance and to avoid children bluffs about their grades. It is not good to hear, but that is the reality. The ONLINE GRADE INQUIRY that we had designed is very user friendly that is why there is no reason for the parents to worry not to be able to use this just because they do not usually use computer and internet. c. No more worry of losing grade sheets, carrying heavy folders of grade sheets because by this project, all data’s being put by users will be stored in data base. This project will serves as your grade sheets. d. We developed programmed Microsoft Excel sheets that will automatically generate average, for your easy and convenient grades computations without using your papers, pens and calculators. No manual computations anymore. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY General Objectives: This study aimed to develop an Online Grades Submission and Inquiry System. Specific Objectives: Specifically, this study aimed to: 1. To make, Provide another helpful way in submitting and inquiring grades through the use of online/internet. Help teachers submit grades for in case the teacher is far away from his/her school, still he/she can submit his or her students’ grade through internet. 3. Help Students inquire their grades easily without appearing to the registrar’s office. 4. Help you inquire, submit grades and visit your account any time you want. 5. This system will also help parents who want to monitor, check the status of their sons/daughter’s school subject grades and to insure whether their sons/daughter’s has a pass or a failed grades. 6. Make automatic computations of grades. Our system includes programmed Microsoft Excel for fast and easy computations without using papers, pens and calculators manually. 7. Make easy and reliable the period of inquiry. 8. Design a system that is secured which cannot be modified or retrieved by unauthorized person. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The purpose and goal of this system is to fulfill a better system in case of far situation and will serve as reliable and easy in submitting and inquiring grades of the students in this institution. The user interface of our system provides ease through its organization interface and functionality. The role of our system provides efficiency in keeping, gathering, submitting and inquiring of student’s grades. The system will have three parts, the REGISTRAR’S account, TEACHER’S account and STUDENT’S account. The registrar’s in charged will login in a REGISTRAR’S account using username and password, while the teachers will login in a TEACHER’S account using username and password and the students also will login in a STUDENT’S account to provide security of the system. This study is very accurate for those parents who are in abroad or provinces, very Accurate for teachers and students. We have thought of Online Grade submission and Inquiry, because we want the parents to be updated on their children’s school grades as well as their performance. Some working students are not able to see their class cards, because of lack of time. Through its Online Grade Inquiry will help them see their grades any time. The system will give this institution better processing way in submitting and inquiring grades student’s data when they are far away or in other places. Its scope is the following: 1. First this online system can be access by our first authorized user, the registrar. Because this system has security parameters for the safety of all data being put to this system. 2. Teachers for submission. 3. Students for inquiry. Here are the systems limitations. 1. Registrar/ Admin of this institution can access this system, but he/she will not be able to change student’s grade. 2. Teachers can only list and submit grades for his/her student. 3. This system is design only for student registration, creating accounts, changing accounts, student listing, submission and inquiry. 4. For inquiring of grades, students and registrars are able to access or look for it. 5. Only enrolled students in this school are able to create and inquire grades. If you are student with account, you can only look for your own grades or records. You will not be able to see your classmate’s records. 6. This system is not for social purposes.

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