Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Interview with a Dancer - Listening Comprehension

Meeting with a Dancer - Listening Comprehension You will hear a man meeting a well known ballet artist. Record the responses to the inquiries he pose. You will hear the listening twice for the essence. After you have completed, search underneath for the answers.â Snap on this ballet artist listening test to begin.â To what extent did she live in Hungary?Where would she say she was born?Why wasnt she conceived in a hospital?What sort of day was her birthday?Was she conceived in 1930?Did her folks leave Hungary with her?What did her dad do?What did her mom do?Why did her mom travel a lot?When did she start to dance?Where did she study dance?Where did she follow Budapest?Why did she leave her first husband?Which nation was her second spouse from?How numerous husbands has she had? Guidelines: You will hear a man meeting a renowned artist. Record the responses to the inquiries he pose. You will hear the listening twice. After you have completed, click on the bolt to check whether you have addressed accurately. (changed to answers beneath) Transcript:â Questioner: Well, much thanks for consenting to result in these present circumstances interview.Dancer: Oh, its my pleasure.â Questioner: Well, its a joy for me too. Right, well there are loads of inquiries Id like to pose to you, however as a matter of first importance, would you be able to reveal to me something about your initial life? I trust you are from Eastern Europe, arent you?Dancer: Yes, believe it or not. I ... I was conceived in Hungary, and I lived there for the entirety of my youth. Truth be told, I lived in Hungary for twenty-two years.â Questioner: I accept theres a fairly peculiar story that Ive found out about your birth.Dancer: Yes, in actuality I was conceived on a pontoon in light of the fact that ... since my mom expected to go to the medical clinic, and we lived on a lake. Thus she was on the vessel heading off to the clinic, yet she was too late.â Questioner: Oh, so when your mom went to emergency clinic she passed by boat.Dancer: Yes. That is right.â Questioner: Oh, and you arrived?Dancer: Yes, on an excellent spring day indeed. It was the twenty-first of April that I showed up in. All things considered, around 1930 I can let you know, however I wont be more explicit than that.â Questioner: And, uh, your family? Your parents?Dancer: Yes, well my mom and father stayed in Hungary. They didnt leave away with me, and my dad was a history teacher at the university. He wasnt extremely celebrated. Be that as it may, then again, my mom was very well known. She was a musician. Questioner: Oh.Dancer: She played bunches of shows in Hungary. She went around a lot.â Questioner: So music was ... since your mom was a piano player, music was significant for you.Dancer: Yes, in fact.â Questioner: From very early.Dancer: Yes, I moved when my mom played the piano.â Questioner: Yes.Dancer: Right.â Questioner: And did you, when did you truly understand that you needed to move? Was it at school?Dancer: Well, I was incredibly, youthful. I did the entirety of my school concentrates in Budapest. Also, I contemplated moving there in Budapest with my family. And afterward I came to America. What's more, I got hitched when I was incredibly, youthful. I had an American spouse. What's more, he passed on exceptionally youthful, and afterward I wedded another man who was from Canada. And afterward my third spouse was French.â Test Answers She lived in Hungary for twenty-two years.She was conceived on a pontoon on a lake in Hungary.They lived on a lake and her mom was late to the hospital.She was conceived on a spring day.She was conceived around 1930, however the date isn't exact.Her guardians didn't leave Hungary with her.Her father was a teacher at university.Her mother was a pianist.Her mother gone to play in concerts.She started to move extremely youthful when her mom played the piano.She considered move in Budapest.She went to America after Budapest.She left her significant other in light of the fact that he died.Her second spouse was from Canada.She has had three husbands.